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Zoe Sones

Zoe Sones is a UK-based composer who focuses on acoustic contemporary classical and ambient electronic composition. In her works, she explores an array of textures and timbres of both instruments and nature’s very own sounds. She enjoys creating haunting electronic drones, writing harmonically rich and serene chords, while also being a bedroom DJ.
Editing Ambience Recordings

How to Edit Ambience Recordings

Editing ambience recordings needs a light touch. Here’s what you need to know. After a long few days of recording ambient sounds, the time has come to sit down at the computer and edit. In comparison to most other sounds,…

Impulse Response Recording

How to Record Your Own Impulse Responses

The impulse response is a room’s tone after some big sound happens. Here’s how you record it properly. Having your very own impulse responses can be rather handy, especially in the world of filmmaking. You have a specific space to…

audio compression

When and How to Use Audio Compression

Audio compression helps smooth out your recordings. Here’s how it works and when you should use it. Audio Compression: arguably one of the more complex-yet-useful audio effects out there. Seeing countless forums of aspiring audio engineers asking whether compression is…

immersive audio

An Introduction to Immersive Audio

Immersive audio stands out from surround sound, so what are the differences between them? There’s nothing worse than having a project that falls flat — especially when we’re talking about audio. When we’re watching a movie in the theatre, or…

How to Set Levels for Audio Recording

Knowing how to set your audio levels before you hit record makes all the difference in capturing professional-sounding audio. Audio has a vast dynamic range, from subtle and quiet sounds to loud and explosive sounds. To become a master in…

The best audio recording tips of 2023

The Best Audio Tips of 2023

Here are the hottest audio recording tips of 2023 as we head into the new year. No matter what stage you’re at in your audio journey, there is always room for tips and tricks that you may have missed. From…

EQ Tips for Enhancing Dialogue Audio

Need to put some polish on your dialogue audio? Here’s how to get started with EQ. Need some tips for using EQ on dialogue audio? In this article, we’ll discuss some audio editing tips that will up your game when…

boom mic

How to Build a Boom Mic Setup

Need to take your audio recording to the next level? Here is a guide on how to build a boom microphone setup. In the video production world, there is a dedicated sound crew. An essential role is the boom operator,…